REPORT of Transnational meeting...

par Stéphane Daviot

THE 4 to 7

Dalia (Teacher) et Asta (Principal) =>Lithuania
Isabel (Teacher) et Resu (Teacher) => Spain
Chara (Teacher) et Sophia (Teacher) => Greece
Joana (Teacher) et Krasmir (Principal) => Bulgaria

For France :
Emilie, Karine, Elisabeth, Laurence, Claire, Emmanuelle, Laetitia, stagiaire arts plastiques (Teachers)
Karine (Psychologue)
Maxime (CPE)
Mme Vetaux, Mr Payrat, Mr Koumi (Direction)
Aurélie (Secrétariat)
Guy (OP), Mr Johns (Cookers) with his all staff
And Marc, Stéphane (TREEs Coordonnators)

The planned program was entirely realized except for the presentation of the project website. This presentation will be made in Lithuania during the first mobility.

The arrival of our partners was done in a staggered way from Wednesday morning to Wednesday evening. Some chose accommodation at the hotel (4), others preferred accommodation with French colleagues (4).

We wanted a first dinner together with the 4 colleagues who were not in a family on Wednesday night. Ms. La Principale and a coordinator attended this dinner.

[vert]Thursday, October 5 :[/vert]

9:00 : Reception and first working time around the project, a second time is at 14:00. The following decisions are made :

◦ a group of ambassadors of about 15 young people must be established in each country. This group should be mixed, if possible, not only with high-performance students : a "tutoring" system to help those with difficulties in English.
◦ The dates for the first mobilities are fixed : Lithuania from 9 to 15 December (corrected then from 10 to 17 December 2017) and Bulgaria from 8 to 14 April (corrected then from 9 to 14 April 2018).
◦ We also agree to meet again (a coordinator per country) in France for the interim assessment : early October.
◦ We take stock of the number of participants in the mobilities. We decide that the group of ambassadors will consist of 3 students and 2 adults. Greece asks to send a third adult. She justifies this choice because she has trouble convincing new teachers to participate in the Erasmus + project. The assembly accepts his request. Nevertheless, the assembly is in agreement so that the maximum of pupils can participate in the mobilities. We believe that from Bulgaria 4 ambassadors should be able to leave.
◦ Concerning the work between the mobilities : we agree to use all the European platform Etwinning. It will allow a permanent exchange between us, and put all our work.
◦ We also agree to carry out work around the dissemination in each country : websites, newspapers, professional applications, displays.
◦ For the activities : we decide that each country will present 3 logos in Lithuania. A vote will decide the final choice for the TREES logo. We also talk about the board game and the charter.
◦ The impact survey at the beginning and the end of the project will be tested by the French ambassadors before being put online in Etwinning. A whole class level will participate in this survey.
◦ Letters of mission to the ambassadors will be sent on face-book.

11:00 : Conference led by Patrick Rayou. The theme of motivation is widely discussed.

12:00 : Meal taken together (Bulgarian dish).

15:30 : Training on the Etwinning platform. Everyone has the opportunity to register. Nearly 50 people are currently on the TREES project in etwinning live.

18:00 : Friendly meal on the theme of French culinary specialties in the presence of many college staff.

[vert fonce]Friday, October 6th :[/vert fonce]

9:00 : Progressive welcome of the guests of the morning. Informal exchanges with classroom partners of teachers around different education systems.
We welcome the Inspector of the Academy, the Vice President of the County Council, the departmental councilor of Taverny, the Mayor of Taverny, the Inspector of School Adaptation, the Constituency Inspector and the journalists of the Parisian and the Gazette Val d’Oise.

10:30 : First speech : Madam Principal of the college, Marc presents the objectives of TREES and gives the floor to two student ambassadors, Stéphane takes the floor to present the operation of the project then gives the floor successively to the partners of each country. A power point from each country is shown on the big screen.

11:00 : The animation takes place in the courtyard : the tree is constituted by the 600 students of the college, the stars by 150 pupils of the primary school to the sound of the European Anthem.

11:15 : Speech by the Inspector and the Vice President of the County Council.

12:30 : Meal taken together (Spanish dish).

15:00 : Moment of cohesion : departure with our partners, the two French coordinators and some teachers available (Elisabeth, Claire, Emmanuelle and Karine). We go to Auvers on Oise. Walk in the footsteps of Van Gogh.

18:30 : Visit of Van Gogh’s room

19:00 : Closing meal at the restaurant. Madame la Principale and her deputy join us.

Dissemination :

◦ an article published in the Parisian
◦ an article in the Gazette du Val d’Oise
◦ an article published on the site of the academic direction
◦ several articles published on the site of the college
◦ a tweet broadcast by IENASH
◦ a 15-minute intervention planned